The Complete Guide to Investing During Retirement

By : stockguide, October 21, 2008

If fear is keeping you out of the stock market. The Complete Guide will help you overcome your fear so you can acheive the kind of investment results you deserve.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Fizzling Stock Market Bolsters Non-Traditional Retirement Investing

The second quarter of 2006 saw stocks slog their way through light volume as investors fought through geopolitical concerns, inflation fears and a dramatically slowing Chinese economy. While the stock market continues to thwart investors, the non-traditional investment market is gaining increased market share. Investing IRA and 401(k) funds in non-traditional investments such as real-estate, tax liens, property, or even funding a business or franchise was all but unheard of even five years ago. Today however, baby boomers have the opportunity to generate higher and more secure returns than the stock market can offer. Since 2000, investor participation in such investments has nearly doubled and is projected to account for 20 percent of the investment market by 2015.

Patty Servaes of Massachusetts recently used her 401(k) funds to start a new business. She states that “business has been doing great. I love it. Honestly, without [the company who established my self-directed 401(k) plan] I don't think I ever would have pulled the trigger because I would have been too nervous to take on that kind of debt [using SBA or other standard financing]. This option just really fit with my personality and risk-taking profile.”

Patty is just one of many who have retired but want to continue working to further their retirement profile. David Nilssen, CEO and Co-founder of Guidant Financial Group states “non-traditional investments are not securities; however, unlike the stock market they do offer secured returns.” Nilssen continued, “with self-directed IRAs you have complete freedom and control of your retirement funds, which can create endless possibilities. After all, no one cares more about your retirement than you do."

For more information on self-directing your retirement funds, locate the credible retirement account facilitators, and determine which one offers the best price and service package to meet your specific needs.

By: Ryan Myers

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